Meladol – 30ml CBD & Melatonina
Meladol – 30ml CBD & Melatonina
a natural sleep regulator
Meladol is a natural sleep regulator designed to promote deep, restorative rest. Its unique liposomal liquid formula enhances the absorption of CBD and melatonin, penetrating deeply into tissues to support balanced and restful sleep.
This natural supplement is a healthier alternative to chemical sleep aids, reducing stress and anxiety without unwanted side effects.
- CBD (Cannabidiol): A non-psychoactive compound derived from hemp, interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system to provide relaxation, anxiety relief, and overall wellness.
- Melatonin: A key hormone that regulates sleep cycles, crucial for preventing health issues linked to sleep deprivation, such as fatigue and memory loss.
Meladol is particularly effective against disruptions caused by blue light from electronic devices, which inhibits the body’s natural melatonin production. Experience peaceful and rejuvenating sleep with Meladol.
Who Is It For?
- Those seeking natural, non-addictive sleep aids.
- People struggling with blue light effects or sleep disruption.
- Anyone looking to enhance overall rest and reduce anxiety.
Key Features
- 🌿 100% Natural Ingredients
- CBD derived from premium hemp plants.
- Melatonin to regulate sleep cycles.
- THC-Free formula.
- 💧 Advanced Liposomal Formula
- Enhances absorption for maximum effectiveness.
- Penetrates deep into tissues to deliver results.
- 🔬 Scientifically Designed
- Free from synthetic chemicals.
- Supports mental and physical restoration.
- Produto Legal
- Vendedores Oficiais
- Embalagem Reciclado
informação importante!
Este produto só está disponível para adultos com mais de 18 anos de idade. Recomendamos que consulte um médico antes de utilizar qualquer produto com Cânhamo ou CBD. Este produto é um produto legal de canábis e não contém THC, ou contém a quantidade mínima permitida de 0,3%.Não é um medicamento, alimento, suplemento alimentar. Todos os produtos tópicos apresentados são produzidos em fábricas oficiais de Cânhamo, localizadas em Itália, Portugal, França, República Checa e outros países da UE.